NFT's: A Global Legal Perspective
Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), the latest cryptographic craze, have exploded into the world of media and entertainment, creating new markets and opportunities for advertisers, agencies, artists, investors and consumers. Join members of the Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance from the United States of America, United Kingdom, Canada, China, Italy, and Colombia for a webinar where we will discuss challenges, the patchwork of applicable law in each of the countries, and practical advice for those looking to execute compliant global NFT drops.
Thursday, February 10, 2022
9:00 - 10:30 a.m. EST
Hannah Taylor
Frankfurt Kurnit (USA)
Brinsley Dresden
Lewis Silkin LLP (United Kingdom)
Kelly Harris
Miller Thomson LLP (Canada)
Dina Kravchenko
ALRUD Law Firm (Russia)
Lydia Mendola
Portolano Cavallo (Italy)
Juan Carlos Uribe
Triana Uribe Michelsen (Colombia)
Justina Zhang
TransAsia Lawyers (China)
Please note: If you are interested in attending this webinar and are located in an incompatible time zone, please register and we will provide you with a recording after the event. We will only be able to send the recording to registered attendees.